On 2018-05-18 16:03, Thomas Morley wrote:
2018-05-19 0:36 GMT+02:00 Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>:
On 2018-05-18 14:24, Thomas Morley wrote:

#(define (proc bool x y)
  (if bool x y))

Your `proc` function does not have this behavior, as the arguments passed in
will be evaluated before you get to the inner `if`.

Hm, then I should reword my request.
Is there a way to circumvent this behaviour?

Yes, you need to use some form of lazy evaluation. Perhaps the most explicit way is to pass in lambdas:

  \version "2.19.81"
  #(define (proc bool x y) ((if bool x y)))
  \paper {
    #(proc #t
      (lambda () (set-paper-size "a8" 'landscape))
      (lambda () (set-paper-size "a8")))
  \markup { "Are we landscape or not?" }

NOTE: There is an extra set of parentheses in the `proc` body in order to evaluate the selected parameter.

Another less verbose option is to simply quote the arguments and `eval` them as needed:

  #(define (proc bool x y)
    (eval (if bool x y) (interaction-environment)))
  \paper {
    #(proc #t '(set-paper-size "a8" 'landscape) '(set-paper-size "a8"))

NOTE: Unlike before, we *need* the extra quote for `landscape` in this case, so there is a potential gotcha.

-- Aaron Hill

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