glance at some of the music in my room confirms it -- but most of my
music is computer-engraved. At least, I'm not prepared to vouch
for the quality of their typesetting. :)
However, I'm pretty certain that I haven't seen 7 accidentals printed when the music changes from E major to A major.
Cheers, - Graham
On 17-Jan-05, at 12:48 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I can't recall that I have ever seen this convention in printed music. Are you sure that this is good typesetting practice?
Paul Scott wrote:Graham Percival wrote:I vote for that. Or that might suggest that printKeyCancellation might need to be more than a boolean and have values for as many styles as seem appropriate.Here's the problem:
{ \key e \major e''1 \key a \major a'1 \break \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \key e \major e''1 \key a \major a'1 }
Neither of those key changes look good to me. Is there some way to get a key change (from E to A) that only prints a D-natural? say, something like \set Staff.printOnlyNeededNaturals = ##t
Paul Scott
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