Well, I mean it appears that the same thing is scored differently.
The first entrance
has the upbeat before the repeat. If you look at this link of the first
entrance with
the downbeat a half note C flat in the third system


   the second entrance,  in this link, the fourth system starts a repeat
that includes the upbeat.


          The repeat is preceded by a second alternative that is an
incomplete measure of 2 beats. Not sure why it is notated
differently than its first entrance, in which has the upbeat  in
the second
alternative that precedes the repeat, but I do prefer the later, and in my
arrangement of this work for 3 guitars I want to use the later solution
for both
for consistency. Or at least I want to maintain the original.

 And I can't find a lilypond solution..   and / or a reason why they are
notated differently.


> Hi Steve,
> I'm unclear what the problem is. Seems also easy. Can you show your code?
> I am also puzzled about you saying there are several ways to set the first
> part. Again, I cant see how one would do it differently to how I showed.
> This proves I don't know what you are referring to as your difficulty. Can
> you elaborate?
> Keep it on the list - no need for a private chat. Others may understand
> better than I what you want.
> Andrew
> On 18 May 2018 at 00:55, <st...@linuxsuite.org> wrote:
>> >  Hi Steve,
>> >
>> > Does this sketch help you out?
>>          Thanks, I am aware of that solution... and there are a couple
>> of
>> others...
>>          I am trying to render this second appearance of this after the
>> trio. Here is a
>> a page. The part I am interested in has the downbeat a C flat  half note
>> and the
>> upbeat is in the repeat section.. Also the second alternative has 3
>> beats
>> and continues
>> into the coda.
>> https://ln.sync.com/dl/17a64e740/7vb6gz87-hi7jxedr-x9rpws6e-tw7z5yma
>>         Not sure why it is different than its first appearance? I prefer
>> the later as it moves the entire phrase into the repeat
>> section....
>>         -steve
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