On 2018-05-11 14:17, David Kastrup wrote:
Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> writes:
The error message reads pretty clearly, though.  The result of a music
function cannot be a single NOTENAME_PITCH.

The result of a music function cannot be a pitch, period.  It has to be
a music expression.  A pitch is not a music expression.

I think we are in violent agreement here. It is going to be pointless to nitpick details that are likely irrelevant and off-topic. So in an effort to circle back to summarize and address the original question...

A music function must evaluate to a music expression.

The reason why #{ $p #} does not work as the body of a music function is that it will only evaluate to a pitch not a note, and that pitch by itself is not enough to create a music expression.

#{ $p 4 #} works because a pitch followed by a duration clearly defines a note, which is enough to form a music expression.

#{ $p $p #} and #{ $p a' #}, even though missing explicit durations, both work because two or more bare pitches can be interpreted as a sequence of notes where the duration of the notes will be defined by preceding context.

Finally, #{ { $p } #} works because the inner braces specifically instantiate a music expression. Though, again, the note resulting from the bare pitch will have to inherit its duration from prior notes or default values.

Clear as mud?  :)

-- Aaron Hill

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