On 2018-05-07 22:50, Herbert Liechti wrote:
Is it possible to add a command that skips/disables/avoids the manual
breaks when creating the tablet version?

Tags are probably the best option here:

\version "2.19.80"
tagBreak = \tag #'withBreaks { \break }
someMusic = { c'2 d' \tagBreak e1 }
\score { << \keepWithTag #'withBreaks \someMusic >> }
\score { << \keepWithTag #'withoutBreaks \someMusic >> }

You could also just define your own variable as either \break or {}.

\version "2.19.80"
condBreak = {} %or% \break
someMusic = { c'2 d' \condBreak e1 }
\score { << \someMusic >> }

-- Aaron Hill

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