Dear Robert,

I don't know this notation. So my advice is probably not the best solution.

> Entering FiguredBass1 and FiguredBass2 did not give me anything but
> error messages

You mean \new FiguredBass1 ? You cannot just invent context names. But
you can stack several contexts of the same type.

Here is one example that at least comes close:

\version "2.19.80"

  \new Staff

    \clef bass
    \key d \minor
    \time 4/2

    d1 2 a bes1 f a2 d a,1
  \new FiguredBass
  \with { \override BassFigure.extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.5) }
  \figuremode { s1 s <5>2 <6> <6>1 s <_+> }
  \new RhythmicStaff
  \new FiguredBass
  \figuremode { s1 s2 s <6> s2 s1 s s }

\layout {
  \context {
    instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
      "Pretonal"  "Tonal"
    \omit BarLine
    \omit TimeSignature

Of course, the following would be much simpler and you could try to draw
a line by hand (\markup or so):

  \new Staff  {
    \clef bass
    \key d \minor
    \time 4/2

    d1 2 a bes1 f a2 d a,1
  \new FiguredBass \figuremode { s1 s <5 6>2 <6> <6>1 s <_+> }


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