Hello all. My first message here.
I'm writing a guitar music and I have a problem I could not solve.
I'm using Lilypond for Windows (v2.18.2).
I tried to make a minimal example of my problem. Here is the code:

\version "2.18.2"
\new Staff
\relative c'' {
\time 2/4
{\stemUp r16 <a' c> r8 r16 <a c> r8 }
{ \stemDown e8 e16 ees d8 d16 des }
{ \stemDown c,8. c16 b8. bes16 }

Following the documentation on
I modified the code trying to shorten the beam for the D notes that are


\version "2.18.2"
\new Staff
\relative c'' {
\time 2/4
{\stemUp r16 <a' c> r8 r16 <a c> r8 r16 <a c> r8 r16 <a c> r8}
{ \stemDown
e8 e16 ees
\override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(2)
d8 d16 des
\revert Stem.details
e8 e16 ees d8 d16 des }
{ \stemDown c,8. c16 b8. bes16 c8. c16 b8. bes16 }

But there is no change at all. I noticed that if I overding the beam length
before the first E (on the same voice) it changes the beam for the E, but
not for the D.


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