On 26.04.2018 23:48, Jérôme Plût wrote:
I don’t think you need to patch LilyPond. Have a look at
You can just redefine those.
Thanks for the pointers! I did not know that you could play with the
lexer by just assigning to strings, but this seems quite limited (I
can assign to "\\*" or "@", but neither to "@+" nor to "@foo", and
anything starting with a dash is also off-limits).
On the other hand, the dashHat etc. mechanisms are hard-coded in
lily/parser.yy (at the script_abbreviation label), so this is the
place I would need to touch to add any extra shortcuts. At first sight
it seems that enlarging the list to -<CHAR> where <CHAR> is anything
different from {backslash, space, digits, #, $} would not interfere
with anything (since these are currently syntax errors anyway), is
this correct?
That would be a question for David K.
Best, Simon
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