Hi Gianmaria,

You would have to get somebody like DK to explain it. I think it may have
something to do with the semantics of the parser, where an isolated number
represents a pitch with the pitch name elided, and since rests have no
pitch, the parser would not know what to do. It seems hard to deal with
this case. Since rests are less common that notes mostly, it's an OK
compromise, and once you know it, it's not a pain.

I mostly use explicitly positions rests like b'4\rest. It would be nice if
I could say b'4\rest 4 to get another rest, but you cant. Oh well.


On 27 April 2018 at 21:49, Gianmaria Lari <gianmarial...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If "d4 4 " -> "d4 d4" I would expect "r4 4" -> "r4 r4" and "s4 4" -> "s4
> s4". What was the reason to make lilypond handle pitch and rest differently?
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