Hi Harm,

IMHO that's a good explanation and according to the recurring questions
on this list, sth. that would be helpful.

I like the "attached to the note" much better than "not enclosed in"
because the negative wording "not enclosed in" only tells what you
_should not_ do and not what you _should_ do instead.

> c'8-1---(-~-\markup "what-ever-remark"

I didn't know that you can put that many - into it :)

>   c'8-1--(~\markup "what-ever-remark" c')

The markup needs a hyphen. I'd suggest to drop the \markup here to make
it simpler. In my personal rule set, the ~ goes last – but there is
probably no reason for that …

c'8-1--(~-"what-ever-remark" c')


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