On 22/04/18 17:43, David Kastrup wrote:
> J Martin Rushton <martinrushto...@btinternet.com> writes:
>> Thanks all for the suggestions.
>> Ben: I think he is required to use Sibelius at University that appears
>> to be all that they have.
> Is he majoring in music or in Sibelius?  If the former, he should be
> able to hand in score sheets with music notation (even if they are in a
> PDF created from hand-written scores) rather than notation files.

It's the transferring to and fro that is the issue.  He works on a piece
at uni, then wants to do additional work at home.  I assume that a PDF
would be fine but I'd need to ask.

>> When he was still at school the same applied.  Whilst it would be nice
>>  if the uni offered other products,
> If they _offer_ the product, namely hand installations to the student as
> course material, this changes the equation.  Though requiring music
> students to use a proprietary computer operating system again would
> leave the scope of a music education.

"Offer" as in make available, not "offer" as in give away.

>> Arne: That is interesting.  It's the sort of pricing my
>>  Yorkshire/Scottish ancestry approves of!  I'll talk to him when he
>> gets back this evening.  There does seem to be a problem with running
>> it under Linux, I might try using Wine.  He'll be able to run it on
>> his laptop though.
> Still doesn't work with my notions of authority and respect for learning
> but then I'll readily admit to them being sort-of nonstandard.  Though I
> would not call them unreasonable.

Hmm, but Avid are being clever though.  Let Joe public have a cut down
version - they won't buy at full price so nothing is lost.  Get the
students who will want all the "bells and whistles" used to the full
version, and in 3 years time sting them for £££.

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