On 21 April 2018 at 09:44, Gianmaria Lari <gianmarial...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21 April 2018 at 08:39, Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
>> Am 20.04.2018 um 23:06 schrieb Gianmaria Lari:
>> When I want to try a lilypond snippet using Frescobaldi, I normally
>> create a new file and I compile it without save it explicitly. Frescobaldi
>> saves it for me in a temporary folder (in my Frescobaldi settings I have
>> "Save the document if possibile" checked).
>> For example if I do it now, in the lilypond log window I read:
>> Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.81 [Untitled (4)]... Processing 
>> `*C:/Users/GIANMA~1/AppData/Local/Temp/frescobaldi-n5pqsywf/tmp0fvvk0ae/document.ly
>> <http://document.ly>*' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing
>> graphical objects... Interpreting music...
>> .....
>> So the termporary path where it is saving my lilypond source is
>>   C:/Users/GIANMA~1/AppData/Local/Temp/frescobaldi-n5pqsywf/tmp0fvvk0ae/
>> document.ly
>> I'm writing a small program that make some processing on the lilypond
>> source file and the pdf/png file and I would need this path information.
>> Does Frescobaldi writes this path in any (log) file? Alternatively, is
>> there any way to make Frescobaldi/lilypond writing the compile result in a
>> file as well as in the lilypond log window?
>> I'm not sure what you want to achieve here.
>> It might be possible to access the information you are looking from
>> through a Frescobaldi Snippet (which may be written in Python), but could
>> you state more explicitly what your "small program" should be doing with
>> your unsaved LilyPond code?
> (Just to be precise the code *is saved*; Frescobaldi do this automatically
> when I compile the code. The problem is only to know where it is saved.)
> The goal of my small application is save the snippet and the generated
> score. When I press a shortcut key, the snippet source file and the png (or
> pdf) is put online etc. etc.
> I can, of course, compile and manually copy and past the path I see in the
> lilypond log window, but I would like to make this programmatically.
> Please let me know if I have been clear.
> Thank you Urs, g.

Dear Urs,

after your message I found in the Frescobaldi documentation the variable
$FILE_NAME. This can be used in a snippet to get the full name (including
path) of the file. Unfortunately it returns the document file name only if
you previously explicitly saved the file. Uhm.... I think I will try
something different.

Thank you anyway!
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