On 2018-04-11 23:17, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:
Hello all,
Thanks for the pointers and explanations.
I thought there might be a specific way to indicate a scordatura, and
it turns out there are many possible ways, including providing a
second scores with the actual pitches or a staff fragment showing the
various string pitches vertically:
I can add some examples from around 1900: In Mahler's 4th symphony, 2nd
movement, all strings of the solo violin are tuned one tone up, and the
notation corresponds to the fingering. In the solo violin part for
Saint-Saëns' Dance Macabre, the top string is down tuned to e flat,
again the notation corresponds to how you play (though you only play an
open string on the top string). For me as a violinist, it would be more
or less impossible to play the music if the notation corresponded to the
sound instead of the fingering (not the least for Biber), but there are
certainly cases where it would have helped to have a parallel line of
sounding notation, to assist in deciphering the music. The situation may
be different for guitar or double base, where it's not that uncommon to
at least tune down the lowest string to extend the range of the instrument.
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