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If you use polyphony syntax {} // {} you can put number of finger close note head as follows: { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) <a'-2>4. } // {} You write <a'-2>4 instead a'4-2; where 2 is second finger and 4 for crotchet. If you have chord you use <a'-2 b'-3>4_\thumb. Albert Dnia 11-01-2005 o godz. 0:24 David Raleigh Arnold napisał(a): > I just wanted to show what it took to get decent fingering on an > introductory grade simple little exercise in two parts. There is > a problem getting the first 1-- close to the notehead. The output > is at . > > Finger numbers should be close to the notehead. There is no rule > nor any hint of an indication that fingering should not be on the > staff lines. Except for the added dashes, this resembles the > original very well. The plate was made in 1853, and it was a > new edition of an original published in 1838. The fifth > measure represents the ideal appearance very well. > > Fingering is supposed to be close to the note. It doesn't matter > in the slightest whether that puts it on staff lines. Usually > the staff line passes through the number near its center, but > there is no rule, and slightly off center is best, so a 3 > doesn't look like an 8. Finger letters were often on staff lines also, > although not as much as numbers. > > Fingering was near the note, preferably the note head, because > that made it easier to read. Nothing has changed. It's still > the best way. > > Somehow it never gets easier to get the numbers on staff lines, > unless they precede the note of course. This would be very > discouraging if I couldn't put a dozen pieces in the same file > and reuse all the definitions that way. daveA > > \version "2.2.6" > \include "" > \paper { papersize = "letter" } > #(set-global-staff-size 20) > sig = \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() > mrgd = \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t > mrgdr = \revert Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted > mrgh = \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t > mrghr = \revert Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed > > %#(set-accidental-style 'voice) > % @s is force-hshift in sly, to revert: \\sr > %sr = \revert NoteColumn #'force-hshift % revert force right > ld = \stemDown > lu = \stemUp > ft = \markup{"t"} > fi = \markup{"i"} > fm = \markup{"m"} > fa = \markup{"a"} > x = \markup {\number \finger "1"} > xx = \markup {\number \finger "2"} > xxx = \markup {\number \finger "3"} > xxxx = \markup {\number \finger "4"} > dashone = \markup {\number \finger "--1"} > onedash = \markup {\number \finger "1--"} > dashtwo = \markup {\number \finger "--2"} > twodash = \markup {\number \finger "2--"} > dashtre = \markup {\number \finger "--3"} > tredash = \markup {\number \finger "3--"} > dashfour = \markup {\number \finger "--4"} > fourdash = \markup {\number \finger "4--"} > mlu = { \once \override DynamicText > #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 2.5) } > mmu = { \once \override TextScript > #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 1.0) } > mmuu = { \once \override TextScript > #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 2.0) } > mmuuu = { \once \override TextScript > #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 3.0) } > mmuuuu = { \once \override TextScript > #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 4.0) } > > glob = \notes { > \key c \major \time 4/4 > } > > toppart = \notes { > c8_3^\ft g^\fi c'_\onedash^\fm e'^\fa e8_2 g c' e' > a, \mmu a_\twodash c' e' c a \mmuu c'_\dashone e' > d a \mmuu d'_\fourdash \mmuuu f'_\onedash f_3 \mmu a_\dashtwo d' f' > g, g b f' b, g b \mmuuu f'_\dashone > c g c' e' a, \mmu a_\x \mmuu cs'_\xx \mmuuuu g'_\xxxx > d a d' f' f a d' f' > g, g c' e' g, g b f' > < g c' e' >2 s2 \bar "|." > } > > botpart = \notes { \mrgh > \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.05 % 8th vs. half > \mlu c2_\f e2 > a, c > d f > g, b, > c a, > d f > g, g, > c2 b2\rest > > \bar "|." } > > \score { > \context Staff << > \set Staff.instrument = #"\\Large{1.}" > #(set-accidental-style 'voice) > \clef "G_8" \sig > \glob > \new Voice { \voiceOne \toppart } > \new Voice { \voiceTwo \botpart } > >> > \paper { linewidth = 7.25 \in > indent = 0.25 \in > interscoreline = -3 > } > \midi { \tempo 4=94 } > } > > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > ---------------------------------------------------- Jaki będzie dla Ciebie 2005 rok? Jaki będzie Twój partner w nowym roku? Jakie ważne decyzje czekają na Ciebie, sprwadź: _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list