
I want to create a StaffGroup that includes a single line Staff or DrumStaff at the top. I am having the problem that the left most measure bar line and the brackets of each staff system are being truncated down to the staff line of the single staff.

I have tried a workaround by making a second staff line and then hiding it using some code from a snippet. This causes the bar line and the bracket to extend the same as the other measures, but then measure repeat dots are not being centered around the single visible line, but are rather being centered between the visible line and the hidden line.

Is there a way to override this behavior with a single line staff at the top of a PianoStaff or StaffGroup - to get the leftmost bar line to be the same as normal bar lines, and to get the brackets to extend to the end of the leftmost bar line?

Thank you for any thoughts or ideas, and thank you for this wonderful software!



Here is an example:


\version "2.18.2"

\new StaffGroup        %leftmost measure bar and group (or piano) bracket are being truncated down to the drum staff's single line.

      \new DrumStaff \with {
            \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #1
            \override BarLine.bar-extent = #' (0 . 2.5)} %would like leftmost measure bar line and bracket to extend the same as second bar.
            | c c c c
      \new Staff \relative c' {
            | c c c c
      \new Staff \relative c' {
            | c c c c


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