On Fri 09 Mar 2018 at 06:43:58 (-0700), Torsten Hämmerle wrote:

> As each LilyPond version has its own set of executables, includes, even
> fonts, I always insert Lily's version number into the path during the
> LilyPond installation process. That way, different LilyPond versions can
> peacefully co-exist and be used in parallel without any interference.
> Example for 2.19.81
> C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\2.19.81\usr\bin\lilypond.exe
> Example for 2.18.2
> C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\2.18.2\usr\bin\lilypond.exe
> These versions/paths have to be specified in Frescobaldi via 
> Edit -> Preferences ... -> LilyPond Preferences 
> in the "LilyPond versions to use" block.

I couldn't agree more, and the same goes for Frescobaldi.
It also might help to keep an eye on what version of Ghostscript
is being used as there have been similar error codes reported.

We can assume that the OP is not compiling any "pathological" code
to cause these errors, so it's very likely there's a mis-match
somewhere. Carefully reinstalling the various components (and
keeping a record) is usually more fruitful than trying to work
backwards from that particular Windows error.

> You can even use Frescobaldi's option "Automatically choose LilyPond version
> from document".

Ouch. I hadn't come across that one. Sounds really bad to me.
a) you're not really in control of what's running,
b) what happening when all the includes have different version numbers,
c) it sends a misleading message to a naive user that \version
   statements are meant to *do* something, when that is not their function.

Just for interest, here are the version statements from the files
installed by lilypond-2.19.80-1.linux-64.sh

\version "2.14.0"
\version "2.16.0"
\version "2.17.25"
\version "2.17.6"
\version "2.18.2"
\version "2.19.16"
\version "2.19.22"
\version "2.19.25"
\version "2.19.29"
\version "2.19.46"
\version "2.19.80"


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