Am 08.03.2018 um 16:42 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
Great! I tested it a bit and it seems to be working as intended.
I have forgotten one thing that I've only halfway completed by now:
"accepted" properties without type checking. Currently, if the "strict"
flag is set, only keys present in the rules are accepted. But these are
also expected, so what's still missing is a way to specify rules as
optional so we can filter unknown properties but still have optional
ones. I've started on it and I think I know how to do it but I had to
leave the computer.
I'm curious about the "complains about the wrong type for 'target'"
part though. I remembered that words when typed like that were
symbols, so I did this to check it out:
\version "2.19.80" \include "oll-core/package.ily" #(use-modules (oop
obj = something
testType =
#(define-void-function (obj) (scheme?)
(display (format "'~a' is of type '~a'\n" obj (class-of obj))))
\testType \obj checkIfSym =
#(define-void-function (obj) (symbol?)
(display (format "'~a' of type '~a' passed the symbol? test\n" obj
(class-of obj))))
\checkIfSym \obj testTypeInCM =
#(define-void-function (cm) (ly:context-mod?)
(let ((props (context-mod->props cm)))
(for-each (lambda (prop)
(testType (cdr prop)))
\testTypeInCM \with { target =NoteHead anothertarget ="NoteHead"
yetanothertarget = #'NoteHead
} %Gives this output: %'something' is of type '#<<class> <string>
7f52818c4d40>' %'something' of type '#<<class> <symbol>
7f52818c4c60>' passed the symbol? test %'NoteHead' is of type
'#<<class> <string> 7f52818c4d40>' %'NoteHead' is of type
'#<<class> <string> 7f52818c4d40>' %'NoteHead' is of type
'#<<class> <symbol> 7f52818c4c60>'
Also, I thought that predicates were just type checks. But in the
second example it looks like the symbol? predicate made scheme think
of the object as a symbol instead of a string. I find this kind of
confusing, is there something else going on that I'm not seeing?
If I'm not mistaken completely this part may seem somewhat ambigous.
If you simply type some characters (in LilyPond) they are initially a
string. But if you make the parser "expect" something at a given point
it will parse it like that. if you define an argument for a
define-something-function as symbol? then plain characters will be
parsed as a symbol. But in the key=value parts of a \with block they are
parsed as string.
This is something one just has to know - just like the fact that you
have to enclose a string in quotes if it contains spaces or similar issues.
Thank you. The define-syntax and syntax-rules thing looked easier to
understand at first glance so I tried to use that. I'll experiment
with macros then.
2018-03-08 9:21 GMT-03:00 Urs Liska <
Am 08.03.2018 um 10:35 schrieb Urs Liska:
Am 08.03.2018 um 08:44 schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi Stéfano,
Am 08.03.2018 um 07:26 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
I looked into your examples and \with blocks are very useful.
You said earlier that you were thinking about how to make it so
that the context-mod could have required arguments, default
values for missing ones, and even predicates. I was thinking
that context-mod->props could be made to accept this
information as an optional argument. Then it can return a
'curated' list of props or raise warnings/errors. That I think
shouldn't be difficult to do.
Great idea, thank you. Actually it's pretty much along the lines
I was already thinking about - but I hadn't thought of the
obvious of doing it directly in context-mod->props.
Although I'm undecided on what would be a convenient way of
storing the 'requirement data'. The obvious one to me is an
alist with a structure like this: `((key1 . (required . #t))
(key2 . ((default . 9) (pred . ,number?))) ...), but I'm not
sure. What do you think?
The "required" is not necessary because if a key shows up in
this list it implicltly is required. One addition I'd do is add
a keyword 'strict. When that's present any keys *not* in the
list are rejected.
#(define rules
`((key1 . ;; type plus default
((type . ,number?)
(default . 5)))
(key2 . ;; only the type
((type . ,symbol?)))
(key3) ;; required without type or default
(key4 . ;; default value but no type
((default . #t)))
#(define rules2
`((key1 .
((type . ,number?)
(default . 5)))
(key2 .
((type . ,symbol?))))))
With rules1 the function would simply check for the presence of
the specified keys while with rules2 unknown keys would be
rejected (issue a warning and be dropped)
Defining the rules structures is somewhat picky - but this won't
be done in the *user* documents but basically in packages or
similar library structures, so it should be ok.
I'll give that a shot as I can use this in a current project -
but of course I'd also review pull requests ;-)
I have implemented the above structure as predicates for use with
context-mod->props in
(on the typed-props branch), but so far it doesn't do anything
yet. But as you said, Stéfano, this isn't very hard to do. I just
wanted to push that before you'd start working on it yourself.
OK, I've completed the code but didn't merge it to master yet.
The interface can now be used like this:
\version "2.19.80"
\include "oll-core/package.ily"
#(define rules
`((ind ,number? 5)
(target ,symbol?)
(msg ,string? "No message given")))
testRules =
#(define-void-function (opts) (ly:context-mod?)
(let ((props (context-mod->props rules #t opts)))
(pretty-print props)))
\testRules \with {
msg = "Something"
unk = "Unknown option"
target = something
This correctly assigns the 'msg' property, sets 'ind' to the
default 5, complains about the wrong type for 'target' and the
missing 'payload' property. The failing properties are discarded
and will presumably cause errors further down the line, but that
is the responsibility of a package or a document author.
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