Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>> I actually don't have much of an idea how bookparts are supposed to work
>> and what differentiates them from books reliably and whether books may
>> be used as bookparts and vice versa and what that means.
>> The C++ data structures are the same.  books always have a paper block,
>> but if you add a paper block to a bookpart it will take it well enough
>> and I don't know how to distinguish them from books then.
> book = file
> bookpart = portion of file with forced page break
> No?

No.  One input file can have several books (and there is one implicit
book where scores and bookparts outside of books end up).

There might be more of a connection with output files but even that gets
muddy in relation to midi files.

David Kastrup

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