Hi Urs,

I changed the conditional breaks target to "manuscript-breaks" to make sure
there wasn't a conflict but the breaks package is still not working (at
all). I get no errors but also no breaks.

Updated MWE attached.


On 20 February 2018 at 20:20, Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> Am 20.02.2018 um 11:14 schrieb Craig Dabelstein:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to get the edition engraver, scholarly and conditional breaks
> all to work at the same time. In the MWE I've attached, the edition
> engraver and scholarly are working but I can't seem to get the conditional
> breaks to work as well. Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> You didn't specify what not getting "the conditional breaks to work"
> actually means.
> Please try using a different target for the breaks:
> \registerBreakSet manuscript-breaks
> If that fixes the issue I would look into the matter. The "breaks" package
> internally uses the edition-engraver, and maybe there's a conflict when
> using the same target with both packages. (Although I think it should be
> (made) possible).
> BTW: You don't necessarily need to load edition-engraver explicitly
> because it will already be loaded by the breaks package. You could just
> start with the EE configuration *after* \loadPackage ... page-layout.
> Good luck
> Urs
> Thanks in advance,
> Craig
> --
> *Craig Dabelstein*
> Maxime's Music
> craig.dabelst...@gmail.com
> *http://maximesmusic.com <http://maximesmusic.com>*
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Maxime's Music
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