Hi all,
I asked about how to use the vertical spacing variables to force the top
system to an absolute position, which I could achieve with the
basic-distance and minimal-distance of top-system-spacing and its
stretchability set to 0.
However, this setting proves to have serious side-effects for vertical
spacing in general as it seems to encourage LilyPond to squeeze much
more music on a page. I will have a few questions related to this
challenge, but I'll start with the most pressing (sorry for the pun) one
with this email.
Attached you'll find a score with some quartet music in it. You can
compile it with the vertical margins set through top-margin and
bottom-margin or through the paper spacing variables.
With the paper variables (which is also the saved state in the
attachment) LilyPond squeezes three systems on the page, severely
compressing the music, while with the regular top-margin/bottom-margin
settings only two systems are put on the page.
(Behaviour is basically the same in 2.18 and 2.19.80.)
My suspicion is that when forcing *some* stretchability values to zero
the other flexible variables wreak havoc.
Is there a way to force these absolute top and bottom values and still
have acceptable (or even beautiful) overall vertical spacing?
For your reference: I need this because I want to strictly align the top
and bottom system of a score to the type area of the surrounding text
document (this is also where the strange values are from, they are
calculated from the LaTeX document).
Any suggestions?
%%File header
\version "2.18.2"
#(set-paper-size "a5")
print-page-number = ##f
print-first-page-number = ##t
first-page-number = 8
inner-margin = 35.091735839844\pt
left-margin = 35.091735839844\pt
% top-margin = 27\pt
% bottom-margin = 52\pt
% {
top-margin = 0\pt
bottom-margin = 0\pt
top-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 11.958465576172)
(minimum-distance . 11.958465576172)
(padding . 0)
(stretchability . 0))
top-markup-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 11.958465576172)
(minimum-distance . 11.958465576172)
(padding . 0)
(stretchability . 0))
last-bottom-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 19.243121337891)
(minimum-distance . 19.243121337891)
(padding . 0)
(stretchability . 0))
two-sided = ##t
line-width = 315.82562255859\pt
\header {
% title=Beethoven
tagline = ##f
copyright = ##f
global = {
\key f \major
\time 3/4
\tempo "Allegro con brio"
scoreAViolinI = \relative f' {
f4 \p ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
f'4 \< ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
g2 \> ( bes,4) |
a2 \! ( d8. bes16 ) |
a2( g4 ) |
f4 \f ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
f'4 \p ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
a2 ( \< g4 ) \> |
g4 \! ~ g8 ( a16 g ) fis8 -. g -. |
bes2 ( a4 ) |
a4 \! ~ a8 ( bes16 a ) g8 -. a -. |
c4. ( bes8 a g ) |
scoreAViolinII = \relative f' {
% Music follows here.
f4 \p ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
bes'2. ~ \< |
bes2 \> ( g4 ) |
f2 \! ( bes8. g16 ) |
f2 ( e4 ) |
f4 \f ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
R2. |
e'2.\p % espressivo missing!|
R2. |
c2. |
R2. |
es4. ( d8 c bes ) |
scoreAViola = \relative f {
f4 \p ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
d'2. \< ( |
c2. \> ) ~ |
c4 \! ( d f, ) |
c'8 _( b c b c4 )
f,4 \f ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
bes''2. \p |
R2. |
es2. |
R2. |
fis,4. ( g8 a bes ) |
scoreACello = \relative f {
f4 \p ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r
d2. \< ( |
e2. \> ) ( |
f4 ) \! ( d bes ) |
f4 \f ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-.
c4 r r |
f4 ~ f8 ( g16 f ) e8-. f-. |
d4 r r |
cis'2. \p |
fis2. |
\once \override MultiMeasureRest.Y-extent = #'(-5 . 1)
bes,4. bes8 bes bes |
scoreAViolinIPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Vl. I"
} \scoreAViolinI
scoreAViolinIIPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Vl. II"
} \scoreAViolinII
scoreAViolaPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Vla."
} { \clef alto \scoreAViola }
scoreACelloPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Vc."
} { \clef bass \scoreACello }
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\layout { }
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