On 2/11/2018 8:30 AM, Hallvard Paulsen wrote:
Hello all
I am an absolute beginner when it comes to LilyPond and musical
scoremaking in general, so please correct me if I am not behaving
according to this lists rules.
(I also have very limited experience with the musical terms in
English, so please correct me if there is something obviously wrong.)
I was hopeing it would be possible to use lilypond to produce scores
with a mixture colored/numbered noteheads, and also MIDI files to play
the voices of any missing bandmember should they not be able to attend
a rehersal. Also good "pointers" are hard to find, and even harder to
keep over time, so if their job could be "automated away" to some
degree, it would make the future much more predictable.
One more thing, down the road, you could also make a "legend" that will
essentially auto-color as you go along, so you can set it and forget it :)
Advanced, but I thought I would get you going in the right direction!
LilyPond is very powerful.
(see attached image)
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