Wol's lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> writes:

> Okay. You wanted a minimal example ...
> But surely, "f4. ~ f4" is clearly something wrong if it's complaining
> about an unterminated tie? Yes you might need a bit more information
> to debug it, but on the face of it it's a blatant bug ...

And when looking closer at an actual example, it isn't.

\version "2.18.2"

\include "english.ly"

\score {
    \new Staff {
        \time 6/8
        \key bf \major
        \clef "treble_8"
                \repeat percent 4 { bf8[ r bf] bf[ r bf] } | c4( d8 c4) r8 | 
c8-> r4 c8-> r4 | c2. | c2. ~ 
                \repeat percent 4 { f8[ r f] f[ r f] } | f4. ~ f4 r8 | a8-> r4 
a8-> r4 | a2. | bf2.

The problem here is that your two melody passages are all in the same
voice, and that means that f4 is _not_ the next note after f4. ~ but
rather the d8 in the previous line of entry is.

LilyPond cannot deal sensibly with overlapping notes in the same voice.
You need two separate voices.  Indeed, putting \\ between the two { }
groups in the parallel music stops the problem.  Of course, with awful
voice crossing.  Putting \voices 2,1 before the << ... >> looks better
(but I have no idea whether the voice crossing then in the first half is
intentional, or even whether you wanted the original in which case you'd
like be better off with two staves).

So can we agree that diagnosing this required an actual complete example
showing the context in which this problem occured?

David Kastrup

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