A bit more here. I think I can fake this in a markup... See example
pasted below. My scheme skilz are minimal. I would like yo do this
interpolating between the x position of adjacent notes. So maybe I can
do this as a custom beam stencil. or some kind of spanner. Basically I
want a scheme function that will give me the position of a given note
and the next note... Thanks!
\relative c'' {
-\markup {
\override #'(line-join-style . miter)
\with-color #(x11-color 'grey60)
\path #2
#'((moveto 0 0)
(lineto 0.3 0)
\override #'(line-join-style . miter)
\with-color #(x11-color 'grey40)
\path #2
#'((moveto 0.3 0)
(lineto 0.6 0)
\override #'(line-join-style . miter)
\with-color #(x11-color 'grey20)
\path #2
#'((moveto 0.6 0)
(lineto 0.9 0)
On 01/29/2018 06:27 PM, Michael Winter wrote:
I have tried quite a few hacks, but nothing really suitable.
What I really want is to simple draw a line beneath the staff that has
a grey scale gradient such that for each note, I give a target value.
Most of what I have tried involves doing this in increments with
overlapping spanners, I also tried the code in this thread:
I think the answer is doing this with svg directives since in the svg
documentation there are directives for linear gradients, but I do not
know how to build the function to use svg directives and such that the
target greyscale value is reached at the x-position of a given notehead.
Also, ideally I would be able to use spacer rests to give intermediary
values along the way, since the curve is actually not linear.
Thanks in advance and my apologies if I have been unclear.
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