Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out the best setting for page margins for mixed
text/music documents. The task is to automatically set the margins in
LilyPond depending on a LaTeX document where full-page scores are included.
We have the horizontal margins more or less fixed, by default LilyPond's
staff symbol will exactly match LaTeX's linewidth. When naively setting
LilyPond's vertical margins to those of the text the result is
(expectedly) rather ppor, as you can see here:
What I would basically want to achieve is mathing the outermost *staff
lines* with the text's type area.
When manually trying different values I found that I would like the
topmost staffline align not with the actual margin but the X-height of
the corresponding text. This can be seen here:
On that same image the bottom staff line is aligned to the baseline of
the text, and I'm not sure if that is the right choice. Somehow the
score visually looks lower than the text, and I wonder whether there
should be a similar amount of padding like at the top margin. But of
course there is no "natural" reference point here.
What is your opinion on this issue?
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