I've used Audiveris to get a musicXML file. However, it misidentified a
clef. So I've got the correct (relative) note names, but the pitches are
all off for a line or two.
I was wondering if there is a tool or script to transpose notes in the
the input.ly file. My use-case is such that I'd like to avoid using a
transcribe block.
I was hoping that using a \transpose {} block with /lilypond --verbose/
would output the transposed notes somewhere in the STOUT stream, but no
(My use-case: I'll be putting this into Anki's memorization tool and
using it in my practicing routine. I'd like to keep the files as simple
as possible so that I can edit mistakes or make changes easily while
practicing. Having to think through an unnecessary transposition would
really make that difficult.)
Kale Good
Good Music Academy <http://goodmusicacademy.com> ♫
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