Hi Ben,
Am 14.01.2018 um 03:17 schrieb Ben Beeson:
Hello all,
I am using git to keep track of edits to scores and am presently using
\bookOutputName "score-filename"
to write the output filename for the pdf that is generated in the
LilyPond "ly" file. I am also using
"git Version: \gitCommitish "
in the tagline so the generated pdf has the git version information
included in the score that is generated. I am wondering if there is a
way to include \gitCommitish in \bookOutputSuffix so that the output
filename looks like:
So far I have not been able to figure out how to do that or find an
existing solution in the snippets, forum or elsewhere. If anyone has a
solution, please share it.
You should have a look at
I'm not sure if that's up-to-date, and IIRC it doesn't work on windows,
but probably you can either use that directly throught the "snippets"
package or copy the useful code.
Thanks in advance,
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