Hi there,
I'm trying to pass a list of scores to a book generating function and
I have a few questions.
Please see example post scriptum.
How should I structure (syntax) my score list?
I did some trials and (only) errors…
How should I iterate over said list?
I'm not quite sure how to "unfold" the score if that makes any sense.
I am using (display (car score-list)) just to figure out what is going on.
Good day
Pierre-Luc Gauthier
\version "2.21.0"
scoreI = \score {
{\key cis \major ces''4}
\layout {}
scoreII = \score {
{\key ces \major cis''4}
\layout {}
bookFunc = #
(score-list filename)
(list? string?)
(ly:book-process #{
\book {
\score {
\layout {}
%$(for-each score-list
% (lambda (score)
% $score
% ))
#} #{ \paper {} #} #{ \layout {} #}
(string-append "Part-" filename)))
\bookFunc #'(scoreI scoreII) "fileName"
\version "2.21.0"
scoreI = \score {
{\key cis \major ces''4}
\layout {}
scoreII = \score {
{\key ces \major cis''4}
\layout {}
bookFunc = #
(score-list filename)
(list? string?)
(ly:book-process #{
\book {
\score {
\layout {}
%$(for-each score-list
% (lambda (score)
% $score
% ))
#} #{ \paper {} #} #{ \layout {} #}
(string-append "Part-" filename)))
\bookFunc #'(scoreI scoreII) "fileName"
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