Johannes Roeßler <> writes:

> Dear Lilypondians ;)
> another day another question - I try to make optional dynamics for a
> critical edition,
> is it possible, that just dynmaics signs can't be toggled with tags?
> ----8<--------
> \version "2.19.58"
> music = \relative {
>   g'8. c32 d \tag #'dyn {\p } c32 d
>  }
> \score {
>   \keepWithTag #'dyn \music
> }
Instead of \tag #'dyn {\p } you need to write -\tag #'dyn \p namely use
a - in front to mark the tag call as post-event and omit { } which can
only be used around sequential music, not post events.

> --->8----------------
> Do I really have to use
> \tag #'dyn {a4\p} \tag#'nodyn {a4}
> and than either \keepWithTag #'dyn \music or \keepWithTag #'nodyn \music?

Says who?

David Kastrup

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