
I play the accordion and occasionally arrange some pieces with lilypond.

The systems of the buttons on the right hand (button accordion) and free
bass (left hand) are organised chromatic in three rows. Therefore the
fingerings for scales and chords can be shifted by a minor third. Depending
on the instrument there are also additional repeated rows - medium-sized
button-accordions have five rows on the right hand so that a scale can be
played with the same fingering in any key.

Typically the layout (and also the "standard" or "stradella" bass system)
is illustrated with schematic diagrams like a diagonal grid of circles with
numbers or note names in it.

This is quite similar to tabulaturs for guitar- just the system is a
different one.

My question: Is it possible to reuse or adapt lilypond's \fret-diagram in
the following way:

- hide the grid
- slant the "verticals" of the grid by some degrees so that the grid is not
rectangular anymore (but a parallelogram or rhomboid)

Potentially this is might rather be for developers, but I assume some of
them are reading this list also.

Regards, Sebastian.
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