o.k. after figuring out how to read synaptic logs these two bits might
be the things that were changed
python-wxgtk3.0 (
python-wxversion (


On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net> wrote:
> I also am unning Frescobaldi 3.0.0 on Ubuntu 17.10. It required a
> small amount of finagling. I threw the resulting error which it
> iinitially was throwing into google which led to a fix that was doable
> through synaptic. It wasn't particularly difficult. It was a matter of
> changing some bit of python library i think. Anyway, at the time I
> thought it was trivial enough not to write it down. Probably should
> have sent it here. It is doable.
>  good luck,
> Shane
> On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 9:01 PM, Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
>> Am 01.01.2018 um 00:26 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
>> Hi Tim, The thing about installation instructions is that they have to be
>> exact, to save time and hassle. While the page mentions Python 3, it then
>> goes to list just Python versions of modules - no suffix 3.
>> There is an ambiguity that really should be clarified. The two custom
>> modules that are required are:
>> https://github.com/wbsoft/python-ly
>> https://github.com/wbsoft/python-poppler-qt5
>> Both don't have Python 3 in their name, and correctly so, as both work with
>> both Python2 and Python3. However, for use with Frescobaldi they have to be
>> used with Python3. That is: when installing through the distribution's
>> package manager the packages with python3 in their name have to be used, and
>> when installed with pip pip3 has to be used.
>> I have been trapped in the hamster treadmill finding this does not work,
>> then figuring you have to use the Python 3 versions, and then finding it is
>> short on some modules, and then finding that I just cant get F 3 to work on
>> Ubuntu 17 no matter what I try.
>> Speaking as somebody with a lifetime of experience as a software developer,
>> this is unclear, confusing, and incorrect. And it does not work on Ubuntu
>> 17.
>> This is not true.
>> Urs had success installing F from the Ubuntu repository, but I don't see why
>> we should not aim to be able to install this application stand alone.
>> Actually I have installed Frescobaldi on two computers with freshly
>> installed Ubuntu 17.10. On both computers I installed it from the Git
>> repository (exactly following the instructions on
>> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/wiki/Running-Frescobaldi-3-From-Source-Git-(Linux))
>> *and* from the Ubuntu repository.
>> The difference was only the order. When I first installed the frescobaldi
>> package with apt all dependencies were already met so I didn't have to
>> install them separately for the Git repository version.
>> I want an install that is clean, clear, and understandable and manageable,
>> not just a way of making the application run by any means.
>> From my latest experience the install on the Github Wiki page *is* clean,
>> clear, understandable and manageable. It works on Ubuntu 17.10, Debian 9,
>> and Debian 10 without any issues.
>> I agree that the instructions on frescobaldi.org/download are suboptimal.
>> And I have never tried out the approach of downloading a release archive and
>> using setup.py.
>> Urs
>> I still think at this stage there is some unstated dependency on how Qt is
>> installed that I can't fathom.
>> Andrew
>> On 1 January 2018 at 09:16, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:
>>> On Dec 31, 2017, at 5:30 AM, bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I think you cannot install different versions of frescobaldi or parallel
>>> > from different sources. You might simply remove the repository version, 
>>> > try
>>> > again and see what happens.
>>> >
>>> > Concerning the description on http://www.frescobaldi.org/download.html
>>> > there are some errors for frescobaldi 3.0.0, the dependency list is
>>> > incomplete and versions are wrongly noted
>>> > one needs Python3-Poppler-Qt5, for me Python-Poppler-Qt5 did not work
>>> > for some reason I argue python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit is neded, that is not on
>>> > the list
>>> > may be more issues?
>>> Looking at the Frescobaldi install from source page, it clearly indicates
>>> that the Python stuff should be from the same version (3.4 or higher).  I
>>> would hope that following the recipe will result in a working install for
>>> you.
>>> ******************
>>> Frescobaldi 3 needs Python version 3.4+, PyQt5 and Python-Poppler-Qt5. And
>>> of course python-ly and Python-PortMidi, installed for the same Python
>>> version.
>>> Installation order:
>>>         • Install Python 3.4 or higher
>>>         • Install PyQt5, using the same Python version of course.
>>>         • Install python-ly
>>>         • Install Frescobaldi (will work, but without PDF and MIDI
>>> support)
>>>         • Install Python-Poppler-Qt5
>>>         • Install Python-PortMidi. If this one is difficult to install,
>>> you can also use Pygame, which too contains the Python-PortMidi library. Use
>>> the correct Python version!
>>> ******************
>>> Hope this helps!
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