On 18-Dec-04, at 8:22 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Joshua Koo wrote:


When I have triplet, the 3 is in the same direction of the stems (eg. 3 is at the bottom if stem are down) . However I like it at the side of the note head, which means the opposite direction the stem are facing. (eg. I would like the 3 to be above the notes when stems are down).

If I were to use the \tupletUp or \tupletDown then I would have to specify every triplets I have. Is there a \trupletOpposite? Or maybe there's ae property to be set to negative?

As far as I know, this is not supported for the moment, but it might be a nice feature to
have an additional possible value for the direction property of any object, which means
do the opposite of the default value (the latter part of the answer is intended for the

Interesting idea. Couldn't this be done with repeats, tupletUp/Down, and
part combining?

I'm not certain of the syntax, but something like this?

opposites= { \repeat unfold 8 { \tupletUp s4 \tupletDown s4} } music = { blah blah }

        << \opposites \music >>

Cheers, - Graham

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