On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 23:40:46 -0500
Luis wrote:

> Please excuse me... now I have a strange problem: If I run lilypond as
> root, it works... but if I do it as a regular user, I get this:
> -------------------------
> GNU LilyPond 2.4.2
> Processing `prueba.ly'
> Analizando...
> Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
> Music font has not been installed properly.  Aborting
> -------------------------

This is the font environment setting question again.

May be caused by a shell-environment which is not properly
initialized. You must read all the shell-login scripts (and
understand and debug them :-(!))


   keep running as root

or, better, use


which should be manually added or sourced from your /etc/profile
or /etc/bashprofile (what name is used by bash?) Some setups use

   . /etc/lilypond/lilypond-profile

but names are distribution specific, so it could be

   . /etc/profiles.d/lilypond

(I avoid these problems by having a /.lilypond script at hand at
every time which I source manually :)

SOURCE: source a script means to run the script by using the
dot-command (or "source"-command in bash)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- http://d-axel.dk/  Donald Axel

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