Not an answer to your quesion, postings from about 2011 might be
but an actual information for real book (hand written) chord style may
There are some more.
I think to remeber that there had been some postings on the lilypond
mailing list a couple of weeks ago about this topic, concerning a new
font library as the old one did not work any more?
Am 24.12.2017 16:49, schrieb Daryls_Produce:
Hi Forum People:
Back in 2011 Nathan Ho posted the following code to share code for
so that they can notate chords in their own way.
I pasted this into Frescabaldi, there were no error, but it didn't
How do I get it to display?
Your's truel,
Daryl from Daryl's Roadside Vegetable and Produce
%%%%% begin %%%%%
raisedSharp = \markup \raise #0.6 \sharp
chExceptionMusic = {
% Major
<c e g>1-\markup ""
<c e g a>1-\markup \small "6"
<c e g a d'>1-\markup \small {
\override #`(baseline-skip . 1) {
\general-align #Y #DOWN \column { "6" "9" }
<c e g b>1-\markup \small "maj7"
<c e g b d'>1-\markup \small "maj9"
<c e g b d' f'>1-\markup \small "maj11"
<c e g b d' a'>1-\markup \small "maj13"
<c e gis>1-\markup \small \concat { "(" \raise #0.6 \sharp "5" ")" }
% Minor
<c es g>1-\markup \small "-"
<c es g a>1-\markup \small "-6"
<c es g bes>1-\markup \small "-7"
<c es g b>1-\markup \small "-(maj7)"
<c es g d'>1-\markup \small "-(add9)"
<c es g bes d'>1-\markup \small "-9"
<c es ges bes>1-\markup \small \concat { "-7" \flat "5" }
% Dominant
<c e g bes>1-\markup \small "7"
<c e g bes d'>1-\markup \small "9"
<c e g bes d' f'>1-\markup \small "11"
<c e g bes d' a'>1-\markup \small "13"
% Dominant alterations
<c e ges bes>1-\markup \small \concat { "7" \flat "5" }
<c e ges bes d'>1-\markup \small \concat { "9" \flat "5" }
<c e ges bes d' f'>1-\markup \small \concat { "11" \flat "5" }
<c e ges bes d' a'>1-\markup \small \concat { "13" \flat "5" }
<c e gis bes>1-\markup \small \concat { "7" \raisedSharp "5" }
<c e gis bes d'>1-\markup \small \concat { "9" \raisedSharp "5" }
<c e gis bes d' f'>1-\markup \small \concat { "11" \raisedSharp "5" }
<c e gis bes d' a'>1-\markup \small \concat { "13" \raisedSharp "5" }
<c e g bes des'>1-\markup \small \concat { "7" \flat "9" }
<c e g bes des' f'>1-\markup \small \concat { "11" \flat "9" }
<c e g bes des' a'>1-\markup \small \concat { "13" \flat "9" }
<c e g bes dis'>1-\markup \small \concat { "7" \raisedSharp "9" }
<c e g bes dis' f>1-\markup \small \concat { "11" \raisedSharp "9" }
<c e g bes dis' a>1-\markup \small \concat { "13" \raisedSharp "9" }
% Suspended
<c d g>1-\markup \small "sus2"
<c d g bes>1-\markup \small "7sus2"
<c d e g>1-\markup \small "add2"
<c f g>1-\markup \small "sus4"
<c f g bes>1-\markup \small "7sus4"
<c e f g>1-\markup \small "add4"
chExceptions = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic
%%%%% end %%%%%
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