I have a few places that I want marked "subito piano"
at a 16th triplet to be immediately followed
by crescendo.

The standard way to do this:

  -\markup{ \italic subito \dynamic p }

or even by abbreviating "subito" to "sub.":

  -\markup{ \italic sub. \dynamic p }

takes up two much horizontal space.
See the first three measures of my
attached example.

Ideally,  I would like to
to have the "piano" right below the "sub."
but as in the second three measures of my
attached example, a text in "-\markup{}
appears below the dynamic marking, not above.

How can I get the "sub." to appear vertically above the
dynamic marking?

Thank you for your help.

P.S.  The "Horizontally aligning custom dynamics"
portion of the snippets document does not seem to
be what I want, because sliding the entire dynamic
marking "sub. piano" to the left might indicate that
the piano dynamic level starts before I intend.

Thanks again.


\version "2.19.65"
\include "english.ly"

\score {

   \new Staff = "guitar"
     \clef "treble_8"

  % 1 -----------------------------------------------------

  \time 1/4

  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo c8\f c8  }

  {\voiceOne \times 2/3 {  bf,16  [d'16  f'16] } \times 2/3 {  a,16
 [cs'16 fs'16] }  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo bf,8-\markup{ \italic sub. \dynamic p
}      \<  a,8   }
  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo g,\f   }

  \bar "||"

  % 2 -----------------------------------------------------

  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo c8\f c8  }

  {\voiceOne \times 2/3 {  bf,16  [d'16  f'16] } \times 2/3 {  a,16
 [cs'16 fs'16] }  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo bf,8-\markup{ \italic sub.}\p\<  a,8
  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo g,\f   }

  \bar "||"


  \layout {
    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)

\version "2.19.65"
\include "english.ly"

\score {

   \new Staff = "guitar"
     \clef "treble_8"

  % 1 -----------------------------------------------------

  \time 1/4

  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo c8\f c8  }

  {\voiceOne \times 2/3 {  bf,16  [d'16  f'16] } \times 2/3 {  a,16   [cs'16 fs'16] }  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo bf,8-\markup{ \italic sub. \dynamic p }      \<  a,8   }
  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo g,\f   }

  \bar "||"

  % 2 -----------------------------------------------------

  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo c8\f c8  }

  {\voiceOne \times 2/3 {  bf,16  [d'16  f'16] } \times 2/3 {  a,16   [cs'16 fs'16] }  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo bf,8-\markup{ \italic sub.}\p\<  a,8   }
  {\voiceOne r4  }
  \context Voice = "vtwo" {\voiceTwo g,\f   }

  \bar "||"


  \layout {
    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)


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