Here an arbitrary example as I use it
\version "2.19.2"
  test = {
   <a b d>8 g'     %1. quarter note
      \times 2/3{d,^"  P " (c)^" H" (d)} %2. quarter note
      <d g> g %3. quarter note
      d^" P" (c) | %4. quarter note
      <f a c d> g'  %5. quarter note  
      \times 2/3{gis,^"  H " (f)^" P" (g)} %6. quarter note
      <gis ais d> g %7. quarter note 
      <d' b g>8 g %8. quarter note 
      {g,8^"  H" (a)} <d b g>8 [g]      
  }  }

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \tempo "Thema"
    %\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
    %\accidentalStyle modern
    \relative c''{
  }  }

    \new TabStaff {
    \key g \major
      <a b d>8 g'     %1. quarter note
      \times 2/3{d^" P " (c)^" H" (d)} %2. quarter note
      <d g> g %3. quarter note
      d^" P" (c\5) | %4. quarter note
      <f a c\5 d'> g'  %5. quarter note
      \times 2/3{gis,^" H " (f)^" P" (g)} %6. quarter note 
      <gis ais d> g %7. quarter note 
      <d' b g>8 g %8. quarter note
      % ... etc.
      {g,8^"H" (a)} <d b g>8 [g,]

Am 22.12.2017 um 15:19 schrieb Menu Jacques:
> Hello folks,
> The LPNR states that:
> Hammer-on and pull-off can be obtained using slurs.
> \new TabStaff {
>   \relative c' {
>     d4( e\2)
>     a( g) 
>   }
> }
> Is that the regular way to write such fretted strings instruments
> music, or is sometimes an H or P placed between the two notes, as
> Finales does (see attached image)?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM
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