On 21.12.2017 22:45, Robert Schmaus wrote:
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but is this what you're
looking for?
No, that’s not what the question was about. Helge is working on a harp
part, and he wants systems that contain only MMRs reduced to one staff.
On 21 Dec 2017, at 19:20, Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net
<mailto:helge.kr...@gmx.net>> wrote:
I have a score for an orchestra instrument (harp). The harp starts
after tens of measures. There are several meter changes. Therfore a
simple multi-measure-rest is inappropriate. Instead I would like to
write all measures and meter changes, so that the harpist can follow
the music and get the right moment to start.
For that purpose it's not necessary to write this multi lines of rest
measures in two staves. I would like to reduce the lines that have
only rests to a single staff line. I.e. somthing similar like
\RemoveEmptyStaves, but it should leave one staff line. I tried to
adapt http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=307 and changed ChoirStaff
to PianoStaff. But this doesn't work if I make this change.
There’s one key difference between PianoStaff and ChoirStaff/StaffGroup:
the Keep_alive_together_engraver. It has RemoveEmptyStaves work only on
all or none of the staves in the PianoStaff. So you should do something
\new PianoStaff \with { \remove Keep_alive_together_engraver } <<
\new Staff {}
\new Staff \with { \RemoveAllEmptyStaves } {}
That way only one of the staves gets removed.
(If you don’t use development versions or want it not to take effect on
the first staff, get rid of the All.)
This is jotted down from memory, so please excuse eventual errors.
HTH, Simon
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