Hello folks,

MusicXMl has the notion of brackets (LilyPond’s ligatures) line-ends:

        Brackets are combined with words in a variety of
        modern directions. The line-end attribute specifies
        if there is a jog up or down (or both), an arrow,
        or nothing at the start or end of the bracket. If
        the line-end is up or down, the length of the jog
        can be specified using the end-length attribute.
        The line-type is solid by default.

’nothing’, ‘up' and ‘down' can be handled with adequate values in :

        edge-height (pair): '(0.7 . 0.7)

but how can ‘both’, ‘arrow’ and dashed line-types be obtained with LilyPond?

Thanks for your help!


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