In `` (line 111 on my version), there is a line saying `\alias 
"Staff"`. That line makes the DrumStaff context listen to `\set Staff.*` as 
well as `\set DrumStaff.*`. (DrumVoice is similarly aliased to Voice.)

They're both equal, so I'd recommend using `Staff.*` for consistency. If there 
happen to be some properties that only exist in DrumStaff/Voice (such as 
drumStyleTable), I'd use them explicitly, but generally, I prefer the plain 

On 12/13/17 09:55, Menu Jacques wrote:
> Hello folks,
> In the example below, using Staff.instrumentName makes no difference compared 
> to DrumStaff.instrumentName.
> Are both equivalent, or should DrumStaff.instrumentName clearly be preferred?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM
> —
> \version "2.19"
> P_PTwo_Staff_One_Voice_One = \relative {
>   \key c \major
>   \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
>   \clef "percussion"
>   \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross 2. \once \override NoteHead 
> #'style = #'cross 4 | % 2
>   \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross 1 \bar "|." |
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>         \new DrumStaff = "P_PTwo_Staff_One" <<
>           \set Staff.instrumentName = "Cymbals"
>           \context DrumVoice = "P_PTwo_Staff_One_Voice_One" <<
>             \P_PTwo_Staff_One_Voice_One
>           >>
>         >>
>         \new DrumStaff = "P_PTwo_Staff_One" <<
>           \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Cymbals"
>           \context DrumVoice = "P_PTwo_Staff_One_Voice_One" <<
>             \P_PTwo_Staff_One_Voice_One
>           >>
>         >>
>   >>
>   \layout {
>   }
> }
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