On Tue 12 Dec 2017 at 10:52:40 (-0500), Br. Samuel Springuel wrote:
> I have a project in which I'm including a bunch of scores into a pdf
> document using lyluatex.  In the final product, lyluatex handles
> figuring out what the appropriate line width is for the scores and
> passes that information to lilypond by adding a header to score
> before processing.
> During the drafting stage, however, I compile the lilypond files
> directly in order to check my work.  The problem I'm having is that
> the default paper size for lilypond is letter paper, while the final
> project is going to be something closer to half that.  I'd like to
> more closely approximate the final product during this stage so that
> there are fewer surprises in the final in-document editing step when
> the final layout decisions are made.  Is there a way to have a paper
> block which sets the indent and linewidth but only if they have not
> previously been set?

You can set the default paper-size with a -d option in the LP command
line. See p10 of the "Usage" manual (2.19.80 page ref.).

BTW My experience is that A4 is the default paper size and I never gave
it any thought until the folks surrounding me talked about °F, inches,
pounds (weight) and letter paper. So there might be a locale setting
that's overriding things.


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