Robin Bannister-2 wrote > Well, in 2009 Neil Puttock said you can't, and said why. > > If that still applies, you will need a workaround. > > The X-offset workaround suggested there seems very fragile. > > So here is a hack that hangs a markup on the left side of the ossia. > It needs some fine tuning, but should illustrate the principle. > > > Cheers, > Robin
Hi Robin, Thank you for the code workaround. Do you know how I could use your snippet and adjust the instrument name vertically as well? I'd like to move it down a bit so it's centered with the middle staff line, like the other names are. Is this possible? I don't quite understand the Scheme aspect in your example, like how I would go about adding the Y somehow (in the addOssia "2" area, or up in the function?) Thanks! %%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.80" addOssiaName = #(define-scheme-function (name padding) (markup? number?) #{ \override Staff.StaffSymbol.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge (ly:staff-symbol::print grob) X LEFT (grob-interpret-markup grob name) padding)) #}) \score { << \new Staff = "Testing" \with { instrumentName = "Top" } \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c | } \new StaffGroup \relative c'' { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bottom" } { c1 | c << { c1 | d } \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = "Testing" } { \once \omit Staff.TimeSignature \addOssiaName "Violin" 2 c1 | b } >> } } >> } ----- composer | sound designer | asmr artist -- Sent from: _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list