

My sense is that you want.


1st ending


2nd ending



3rd ending as the end of the piece.


This would be accomplished with a “Da Capo al fine” at the end of the third A. 

The 3rd ending would be noted as “fine.”




From: lilypond-user [] 
On Behalf Of Joe Davenport
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 12:14 PM
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist <>
Subject: Volta Alternatives (music theory)



Another basic question to fill the vaults... I like to work with alternative 
endings for repeats, i.e.

\repeat volta 2 

\alternative { }

where alternative is two endings matched with the repeat number (i'll explain 

\alternatives {

{do re do me do }

{ mi re do }

I want "volta 2," repeats because it works and the third repetition does not 
occur until the ENTIRE score has been read- all the way through. My thinking is 
to engrave it as something like this:

C: .. . . . .. .  |__1___| |___2,5___|


My theory isn't what it could be. Do I need a dal signo? My thinking is that I 
do, at the end, with a coda at the starting point and a sign on the ending I 
wish to repeat! Hopefully this was easy to read. I'm trying to emulate a 
simplicity to music and thought I'd share this to hear something on a technical 


Thank you. 



Joseph Davenport


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