On 19.11.2017 23:00, Vivyan wrote:

How can I slur from lowest d to b flat whilst also including the slur
already in the on the score?

Using Ben Lemon’s code, I can confirm that 2.19.80 also allows using the \= syntax for differentiating simultaneous spanners:

\version "2.19.80"

\relative c' {
 \time 5/4
 < d_\=1 ( d' c'\=2 ( > \<
 < ges\=2 ) d, bes\=1 ) > \!\mp\<
 <des' e>
 <d e, c>4\!

Another idea (which I didn’t try right now) is using the context property doubleSlurs (you’ll find it in the documentation).

Best, Simon

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