When I tried your file, I got a syntax error. From your email, I got the impression that the file was processed without problems but that the bar numbers didn't vanish.
No, I've got syntax error too. That's my \paper block:
\paper { paperheight = 21.0 \cm
linewidth = 134\mm
pagenumber = no
indent = 0
\context {
\ScoreContext \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\StaffContext \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"}
The only problem with your file is that you had copied a solution written for an older version of LilyPond without updating the syntax. Just replace \translator with \context in your \paper{...} block to get a fully working example for version 2.2.6.
Ok, I replaced \translator with \context, byt stiil it doesn't work. Syntax error still apears.
When you upgrade to version 2.4 or whatever, use convert-ly to upgrade the syntax. For that reason, I recommend to already now insert a line \version "2.2.6" at the top of your .ly files.
I have processed my file through convert-ly, but it has no effect on syntax inside the file. At first I processed without any arguments
convert-ly file.ly
Only the line version has changed to \version 2.2.0
Then I have processed with arguments:
convert-ly -f=2.2.0 -t=2.2.6
I've got syntax error. I don't know why.
By the way, I don't know what you expect the setting \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(+2 . 5.1) to do. Since the staff lines themselves extend down to -2, there's no reason to set the lower edge (the first number) of the minimumVerticalExtent larger than -2.
Yes, I know. I tried with different numbers to change the wertical distance between staffs. I noticed, that only changing the second number has an effect. Long ago I set the first number to +2, I don't remember why. Ok, I will set to -2.
Best regards,
Anna Choma Warsaw
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