Actually could you clarify how the outer margin works in two-sided
mode? I would expect
two-sided = ##t
inner-margin = 0mm
outer-margin = 0mm
binding-offset = 0mm
to result in a margin of 0mm on both sides of both even and odd pages.
The inner margin behaves predictably, but the outer margin is about an
inch (I'd have to print and measure it to determine the exact value).
Is there a way to explicitly control the size of the outer margin?
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Mason Hock <> wrote:
Awesome. Thank you Kieren.
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Kieren MacMillan
<> wrote:
Hi Mason,
I need inner margins to be wider than outer margins to leave room
for binding, so odd pages should have a wider margin on one side
and even pages on the other. My workaround has been to render the
document twice with the two different margin settings and mix/match
pages. However, I would prefer to ability to define margins per
page. Is this possible?
Kieren MacMillan, composer
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