On 02.11.2017 14:07, Patrick Karl wrote:
On 10/31/17 7:19 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 31.10.2017 18:09, pkarl wrote:
I'm trying to figure out the correct way to have LilyPond, v2.19.53, generate the attached score, which is for an instrument and a singer, but the singer doesn't sing all the notes that the instrumentalist plays. Furthermore, the last thing before the singer tacet's is a melisma.

My first naive attempt was:

Music = \relative c'' { c4 d e f    c d e f    r d e f    c d e f }
Lyrics = \lyricmode { do re mi fa __ _ _ _ _
    \repeat unfold 3 { \skip 1 } sol la ti do }
\score {
    \new Staff \Music
        \addlyrics \Lyrics

The correct way would be

Music = \relative c'' {
  c4 d e f\melisma
  c d e f\melismaEnd
  r d e f
  c d e f
Lyrics = \lyricmode {
  do re mi fa __
  _ _ _
  sol la ti do
\score {
  \new Staff \Music
  \addlyrics \Lyrics

Best, Simon

It may be the correct way, but the drawback seems to be that it doesn't work.  At least on my Mac running OSX 10.11.6 and LilyPond v 2.19.53.

I ran your suggested solution, named SimonAlbrechtsSolution.ly, via Frescobaldi.  I am attaching the LilyPond file, the output pdf, and a screenshot of the LilyPond log file.  You will note in the pdf that the melisma extender does not stop at the end of measure 2 but continues right through measure 3.  I need it to stop at the end of measure 2.

May I ask what version of LilyPond you ran your solution on?

I’m sorry, the problem is that I overconfidently answered without actually trying the code and without remembering that _ doesn’t terminate a melisma. So you have to combine my solution and Malte’s by replacing the first single underscore in my example by "".

Best, Simon

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