On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Jean Menezes da Rocha < j...@menezesdarocha.info> wrote:
> Heheh, I suspected I would have to adjust this manually for every chord, > but was in denial, hoping for someone to point me to a more general > solution. > > Thanks for the tip, this should work! > > > Em sex, 27 de out de 2017 às 17:18, Flaming Hakama by Elaine < > ela...@flaminghakama.com> escreveu: > >> >> From: Jean Menezes da Rocha <j...@menezesdarocha.info> >>> To: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org> >>> Subject: Multi-line chord modifiers >> >> >>> Hello, >>> I am looking for a way to print chord modifiers in separate lines. For >>> example, I have the chord AMaj7(6)(9). What I want is to print the symbol >>> "A", followed by vertically aligned: >>> >>> Maj7 >>> 6 >>> 9 >>> >>> I can't find a property by which I can customize the chord alteration >>> separator to be at least a line break. Can this be done? >>> >>> Thanks in advance! >>> -- >>> Jean Menezes da Rocha >>> Compositor >>> Professor >>> Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia >>> >> >> You can simplify this a bit using markup functions. Here is one just for the stacked extensions. Regarding having to enter all these exceptions, is pretty much necessary since there is no standard for what to name a chord, much less how to format it. So, I think the expectation should be that serious chord symbol users will need to customize their one's chords anyway. For example, what you call a Maj7 6 9, I'd call Maj13. Neither is right, or wrong, it's just an editorial choice. So, you and I would each need a different chord exception, regardless of the formatting, for the same chord. Once you accept that maintaining your chord spellings is understandable and necessary, it becomes more of a task of making them easier to use and maintain. \version "2.19.15" #(define-markup-command (two-stacked-extensions layout props top bot) (markup? markup?) "Produce a teeny column of strings" (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup \raise #3.2 { \teeny \line { " " \center-column { \lower #1.5 { #top } #bot } } } #})) myChordExceptions = { <c e g a b d'>1-\markup { \small "Maj" \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 } \two-stacked-extensions 6 9 } <c e g a d'>1-\markup \two-stacked-extensions 6 9 } chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions) myChordSequence = \chordmode { \set chordChanges = ##t \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions c1:maj7.6.9 c1:6.9 } myMelody = \relative c' { e8 g a b d2 g,8 a c e d2 } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new ChordNames \myChordSequence \new Staff { \myMelody } >> } David Elaine Alt 415 . 341 .4954 "*Confusion is highly underrated*" ela...@flaminghakama.com self-immolation.info skype: flaming_hakama Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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