On Monday 13 December 2004 15:28, you wrote:
> I think we have solved the problem! Did you compile LilyPond yourself
> or did you install from an RPM?
> If you compiled it yourself, the problem is that you have copied the
> file buildscripts/lilypond-profile.sh instead of the correct one:
> buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile
> to /etc/profile.d/lilypond.sh
> If you installed from an RPM, the packager did the same error and
> the easiest fix is to edit the file /etc/profile.d/lilypond.sh and
> replace @local_lilypond_datadir@ with
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.3

Ok, That solved the problem. As there are no valid RPM for the 
development-branch of Lilypond for mandrake 10.0 , I have to compile 
everything, so I got the wrong one file to act as profile.

Just not reading the text, stupid & bad boy ;=) 

Thanks a lot.

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