James Harkins <jamshar...@zoho.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> In an unmetered section, the soloist has some longish rests that I
> would like to notate this way, e.g.:
> 9-10"
> fermata
> full-bar rest (within the staff)
> I know how to do the duration as a markup, and I know how to do
> \fermataMarkup, but I don't know how to combine them and center them.
> I saw a mailing list post from 2008(!) saying that \fermataMarkup can
> go into a \markup{}, but either that post was mistaken, or the usage
> might have been valid in 2.10 but not anymore in 2.18.

The way to try is, of course, writing

\version "2.10.0"

\markup { \fermataMarkup }

and run convert-ly -d on it.  No change.

> I also looked for the \musicglyph identifier for a fermata, but this
> seems not to be documented in the Notation Reference's page on the
> Feta font. (Searching the page text for "fermata" failed.)

You could have looked in the notation manual appendices under markups.
There is

File: lilypond-notation.info,  Node: Music,  Next: Instrument Specific Markup,  
Prev: Graphic,  Up: Text markup commands



     Create a fermata glyph.  When DIRECTION is ‘DOWN’, use an inverted
     glyph.  Note that within music, one would usually use the
     ‘\fermata’ articulation instead of a markup.

           { c''1^\markup \fermata d''1_\markup \fermata }
          \markup { \fermata \override #`(direction . ,DOWN) \fermata }
          [image src="lilypond/d2/lily-b002d4aa.png" alt="[image of music]" 
text="image of music"]

     Used properties:
        • ‘direction’ (1)

And there is little problem with

{ R1^\markup \center-column { "9-10\"" \fermata } }

or similar.

David Kastrup

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