Némo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For finale you can use this one : etf2ly.
> I never used it, [...]

I have used it (quite a while ago, but the script hasn't been
maintained much, I think), so I can comment a bit further:

- etf2ly has[1] problems with empty measures, in a voice/staff, at the
  start of a piece.  IIRC, the initial, empty bars disappeared.

- there may be a problem with minor keys[2]; if so, I think I posted a
  patch a while ago; if not, the patch has since been applied.  ;-)

- etf2ly translates ETF files, so you'll need Finale to "Save As"
  ETF.  There's no tool to translate from .mus files directly that I
  know of.

- and, of course, not everything is translated.

[1] for "has", please read "has (or had)", etc.; as I said, it's been
a while.
[2] IIRC, e.g. g minor was rendered as g major, with devastating
results.  I had to fix etf2ly for it to become even remotely useful
for the piece I was copying.  Then again, that piece switched from
minor to major keys and back again several times.


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