Joe Neeman <> writes:

> I have a hunch: once upon a time (IIRC), the staves of each StaffGroup
> were contained in some container grob (maybe VerticalAxisGroup?). The
> vertical spacing was done heirarchically, so the VerticalAxisGroup was
> in charge of spacing the staves of a StaffGroup, and then the System
> would space those groups. This led to poor vertical spacing, and so
> the intermediate VerticalAxisGroups were scrapped.
> So what does this have to do with Mark_engraver? Well my hunch is that
> a long time ago, if you had moved Mark_engraver to the \StaffGroup
> context then those marks would have ended up living inside the
> VerticalAxisGroup belonging to those staves, so it would have shown up
> in the right place.  With the intermediate VerticalAxisGroup gone,
> there's no intermediate grob to take parentage of the mark, and so it
> bubbles all the way up to the System.
> I'll try to find some time this weekend to investigate this hunch...

That would be great!  The doc string of Mark_engraver suggests that
Mark_engraver should only be moved together with Staff_grouping_engraver
(?) but It appears to me that this scheme could be troublesome if you
don't want to keep the bar numbers where they are?

David Kastrup

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